the projected surfaces are large screens (in human-body scale), each one has wheels that allow move it easyly. When the projection surfaces are moved in real-time, the application re-calculates the visualization on the fly.
They use a technique they call projection keyframing to provide continuity on moving surfaces
while waiting for simulations to complete.
The system allows multiple users to participate interactively with each other and the visualization application.
Initial target application for the system was interactive
architectural lighting visualization, they give a simulated environment to architects and
clients to evaluate the natural and artificial lighting of a proposed architectural design.
The distributed system allows for:
- Projector keyframing - a technique to impart slow applications with a dynamic, responsive feel
- Tracking projection surfaces of known geometry with simple IR-based LED markers, and
- A distributed rendering system which can be extended to drive an arbitrary number of projectors.
The system steps:
- The system use a single camara to obtain images of the scene
- determine the projection surface geometry whit the information of the camera
- use a gigabit-Ethernet connected camera to detect the LEDs sensor (ubicated in the top of each
- dinamic projection using 10 projectors
- architectural visualization
- explore volumetric data by defining cross-sections
- general purpose user-interace elements
see a video with examples here
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